Geology, Homeschooling

Phreatomagmatic Eruption as Explained to Kids

In the previous post, I explained the mechanism that drove the phreatic eruption of Taal last January 12. Yesterday, PHIVOLCS announced that Taal is now at the stage of Phreatomagmatic or Hydrovolcanic activity. What does that mean? Screenshot of Dr. Encarnacion's (a_geologist @ IG) sketch below illustrates what could be happening inside Taal. The magma… Continue reading Phreatomagmatic Eruption as Explained to Kids

Geology, Homeschooling

Taal’s Phreatic Eruption Explained for Kids

Phreatic eruption as sketched by my fellow geologist, Dr. Encarnacion. Hi, fellow homeschoolers. Feel free to share this info to your kids as part of your lessons. 🙂 This is a nice drawing of a fellow Geologist, Dr. John Encarnacion, illustrating how the Taal phreatic eruption may have occurred. The ascending magma heats up the… Continue reading Taal’s Phreatic Eruption Explained for Kids